70 pages 2 hours read

Lynda Rutledge

West with Giraffes

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2021

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

After Reading

Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the novel, Woody is torn between conflicting motivations and desires. To what extent are these due to his upbringing and experiences, and why is he able to reconcile these conflicts by the end of the novel? Consider the following questions as you develop your ideas:

  • What motivates Woody to go to California at the beginning of the novel? How does this motivation change as the story progresses?
  • What experiences account for Woody’s willingness to engage in unscrupulous behaviors?
  • In what ways do supporting characters make Woody question his ideals and beliefs?
  • What role does Percival T. Bowles play in Woody’s journey of self-discovery? 
  • Why does returning to his hometown and telling Riley Jones his story put Woody on a new path?
  • What role do the giraffes play in Woody’s desires and motivations?
  • What choices and actions at the end of the journey reveal how Woody’s motivations have changed?
  • What values remain constant for Woody throughout his life?

Teaching Suggestion: Students may benefit from written copies of the questions to refer to while discussing. Students may also benefit from previewing questions ahead of time to prepare in-depth answers and refer more directly to the text. Group or personal notetaking may increase information retention.

Differentiation Suggestion: Non speaking or socially anxious students may benefit from submitted written responses in place of verbal participation, while students with hearing impairments may appreciate optimized seating and transcribed discussion notes.

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By Lynda Rutledge