46 pages 1 hour read

Kristin Hannah

The Women: A Novel

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Book Club Questions

The Women

1. General Impressions 

Gather initial thoughts and broad opinions about the book.

  • How much did you know about the Vietnam War when you began reading this novel? Have you seen other representations of the war in books, movies, etc.? Do you know anyone who served in this conflict? How did Hannah’s novel challenge your understanding of this historical event?
  • Do you typically read works of historical fiction? Why or why not? Have you read other historical novels set during major conflicts (such as the American Civil War, or World War II)? What do you find inspiring and/or challenging about novels set in periods of warfare?
  • The Women highlights the involvement of American women in the Vietnam War, even though their contributions to the war effort have not been widely discussed or recognized. Why do you think history and historical records sometimes elevate some groups, and marginalize the contributions of others? Do you think that historical novels offer a way to tell the stories of those who might otherwise be forgotten?

2. Personal Reflection and Connection 

Encourage readers to connect the book’s themes and characters with their personal experiences.

  • Heroism is a major theme in the novel: Frankie wants to be considered heroic and challenge the idea that women cannot be heroes. What qualities do you associate with heroism? Who are some of your personal heroes? Do you think that someone must be famous to be a hero?
  • When Frankie serves in Vietnam, she finds community and mentorship with Ethel and Barb, two experienced nurses. Who are the people whom you consider to be mentors? What are some of the ways they have helped you to learn and grow? Do you consider yourself to be a mentor to anyone?
  • Frankie rebels against gendered norms for her era, first by focusing on pursuing a career and then by enlisting to go to Vietnam. Have you ever made a decision that was different from what people around you expected you to do? What motivated you to do so? Did the decision have the outcome you hoped for?
  • Rye repeatedly lies to Frankie. Why do you think that people might lie to people whom they do care for? How do you think that these kinds of lies and betrayal impact individuals and their ability to trust?

3. Societal and Cultural Context 

Examine the book’s relevance to societal issues, historical events, or cultural themes.

  • Frankie experiences post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because of the traumatic events she witnesses in Vietnam. Do you think that veterans typically receive the support they need after returning from serving in military conflicts? Have you seen the types of support for veterans change over time?
  • PTSD and depression lead to Frankie developing a substance abuse disorder. Why do you think someone might turn to alcohol and/or drugs after traumatic events? What types of support might be most helpful to someone who is struggling with substance abuse disorder? Who do you think tends to be most vulnerable to substance misuse?

4. Literary Analysis 

Dive into the book’s structure, characters, themes, and symbolism.

  • Frankie’s birth name is Frances, but she uses a nickname that is more masculine. How does this naming allude to Frankie’s personality and the experiences she will live through?
  • How do Frankie’s parents respond to her decision to enlist? How does this decision contradict their aspirations and expectations? What is the impact of Frankie having a brother who is killed in Vietnam—does this make her parents more open or more resistant to her decision?
  • Analyze the role of different settings in the novel: California, Virginia, Montana, Vietnam, and Hawaii. How do these different places create different moods? In what locations does Frankie feel the most at ease, and why might that be?
  • Frankie experiences a key turning point when she wades into the ocean, believing that she can hear her brother. After this experience, she finally receives treatment for her PTSD and is gradually able to heal. What does the ocean symbolize in this incident?

5. Creative Engagement 

Encourage imaginative and creative connections to the book.

  • At the end of the novel, Frankie attends the unveiling of the Vietnam Veteran’s Monument in Washington, DC. Choose a monument that commemorates veterans from a conflict that interests you, and research it. What year was it unveiled, who designed it, and how does the visual iconography of the monument reflect the sacrifices of those who served in war? If the monument is local, visit it: How does being physically present change your experience of the monument? What emotions does it conjure up?
  • Frankie encounters individuals who object to US participation in the Vietnam War; protest movements were widespread during this era. One way some individuals registered objection to the Vietnam War was through music. Choose a song that was recorded in response to the Vietnam War and describe how the musician evokes complex feelings around the war. Compare and contrast music and literature as ways of responding to historical events. 

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