53 pages 1 hour read

Karina Yan Glaser

The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Essay Topics


Discuss how Karina Yan Glaser overlays the novel with the tone of a classic children’s novel. What specific elements lend to that tone? Conversely, how does she incorporate elements of modernity that give the story a more modern feel?


Food is a recurring motif in the narrative. How does Glaser use food, particularly the sharing of food with others, to highlight certain themes in the novel? What does food symbolize for the Vanderbeeker family?


Life in the Vanderbeeker’s Harlem seems idyllic, yet the novel gently addresses difficult socioeconomic issues for working-class families. How does Glaser incorporate realism into her story in a way that is manageable for young readers?

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By Karina Yan Glaser