59 pages 1 hour read

S. A. Chakraborty

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Interlude 3-Chapter 9Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Interlude 3 Summary: “A Missive to the Wali of Basrah”

In this interlude, the scribe notes that many sections of the next historical manuscript has been redacted, but the report to Ahmad al-Danaf begins with a warning to let Amina, whom he refers to as a “murderess,” pass through with her gang, which includes criminals of all sorts. She will be permitted to take on disguises and to take advantage of those who help her and her gang. The speaker warns al-Danaf to be particularly wary of a “Mistress of Poisons” (57) and stresses that no one should touch her with bare skin, for the last time she was cornered, she killed an entire squadron with poisonous gas.

Chapter 4 Summary

Amina travels to a town whose name she leaves unspoken and finds a specific shop. A small woman with a delicate face and one singed eyebrow instantly recognizes Amina. The woman, Dalila, hugs Amina, a gesture that scares the pirate captain, because Dalila wears a cap decorated with poison tablets and vials. Dalila is reproachful that Amina has been gone so long without communicating. Amina reflects that Dalila first met the crew when she blackmailed them; she poisoned Majed (the navigator of Amina’s old ship, the Marawati) and refused to provide the antidote until the crew had taken her far enough away from the town of Basrah.

Dalila is mysterious about her origins, but she is both a Christian and a follower of the mythical Banu Sasan. She asks after Marjana, and Amina cryptically thinks that Dalila is the only person who attended her birth and whom Amina trusts to do what is necessary if her worst fears about Marjana come true. The women reminisce about Amina’s four husbands, and Amina tells her about her mission to find Asif’s child. Dalila says she received a letter from the Frank, Falco, who wanted to pay her for her knowledge. He delivered his message through an agent named Layth. Dalila worries that the Frank has tracked down two of Amina’s crew so far and reminds Amina that she has been gone a decade. This makes Amina feel guilty. Dalila demands a bonus in addition to the normal cut, and Amina helps her to pack.

Chapter 5 Summary

Amina and Dalila look for the Marawati in Aden. There they see a crowd gathering around a ship surrounded by two warships, and Amina recognizes the Marawati, though it has been disguised. The crowd is talking about murdered people washing up on shore and the government’s belief that goods from the dead people’s vessel have been found on the Marawati. Tinbu appears, trying to reason with government officials who then strike him, and when his crew leaps to defend him, they all get arrested. Dalila wants to find another way of traveling, but Amina insists that they save Tinbu and her ship.

The sailors are taken to Aden’s prison. A man that Amina noticed on the ship is now yelling that Tinbu is innocent. The way he talks about Tinbu makes Amina believe that this man, Yusuf, is Tinbu’s latest lover. She follows him, lures him into an alley, and pulls a knife, asking him about what is happening in the cell. When he understands who she is, he tells Amina that they are charging Tinbu with piracy and murder. Tinbu will be executed by crucifixion. Amina asks Dalila if she can get the supplies to recreate one of their past heists, and she grumpily agrees but says they have no elephant for a distraction. Amina asks Yusuf how good his acting is.

Interlude 4 Summary: “Exposé of the Tricks of Those Who Work Knockout Drugs and Other Stupefacients, from The Book of Charlatans by the Learned Jamal al-Din Abd al-Rahim al-Jawbari”

This section outlines a recipe from the Banu Saran called Blue Cretan henbane, which is “their most prodigious trick and the classiest of sleeping pills” (86). They combine blue henbane, black poppy seeds, opium, euphorbia, black seeds, agar ikon, lettuce seeds, basil seeds, mandrake apple, and datura nuts, and pound them together with leek juice. Once crushed into a powder, the mixture is made into a pill and fumigated with blue sulfur. To drug a person, it can be put into food or drink, and those affected will have no clue what happened until they are revived with vinegar inserted into the nose, which induces vomiting. The author of this excerpts cautions people to be mindful of what one consumes around the Banu Saran.

Chapter 6 Summary

Amina poses as a vendor near the police station, offering a game of chance. Yusuf pretends to play, and Dalila interferes, accusing Amina of being a thief. The police get involved and reveal that Amina has also stolen Yusuf’s cuff. He is genuinely shocked, and the police take Amina and a smelly bag that she is carrying away to the station, along with Dalila and Yusuf, who are now officially her accusers. The police find more items that appear to be stolen. They get curious about her bag, thinking that it smells like hash, and Amina insults and goads them until they sample the substance.

However, it is really the knockout drug described in the previous interlude, and the police quickly pass out. Amina and Tinbu hurriedly discuss if the ship is ready, (which it isn’t), and if the crew will be loyal, (which they will be). One of the larger crew members asks to be freed and makes a loud joke. Amina smashes his teeth in and threatens to cut off his genitals, terrifying the other sailors. She reveals who she is, and they know her reputation. When she asks if they are good rowers, one volunteers to teach the others. The rest realize that they can either stay in the cell and be horribly killed for the crime of piracy, or they can join Amina. They strip the police and the office of whatever supplies they can find. Tinbu has an idea for how to escape the harbor and tells Amina that he recently salvaged a useful item that is now hidden aboard the Marawati.

Chapter 7 Summary

They swim to the Marawati and climb up the anchor chain. Amina has the urge to hug the railing when she arrives, as she has missed her ship. She is happy to see only a single soldier on guard. She hesitates to attack him while he is at prayer but does so anyway. Tinbu reveals that he has hidden a supply of naft (liquid petroleum) under the floorboards. They find the sailor with the best arm, and he throws some naft in a brass container, aiming for one of the warship’s lanterns. He misses, but the collision wakes everyone. The sailor throws a second missile that hits, and the lantern bursts into flame.

Amina’s crew begins to row. Some row badly, but they all give it a good effort. Although the warship is now on fire and in chaos, there are still two bowmen. Amina’s stolen crew ducks away from flying arrows, and Amina looks to the second warship. She knows the new men on her crew are watching her, so she tells them to speed up and ram the other warship moving to block them. Amina takes her bow and arrow and climbs up the mast despite her dislike for heights. She perches on the crow’s nest, lights her arrow, and fires at the warship. She hits her target: the warship’s mainsail. The burning warship moves, and the Marawati gets through. The men celebrate, but Amina cringes, remembering that Salima asked her to be discreet.

Interlude 5 Summary: “Excerpt From a Warning About the Malabar Coast”

The excerpt declares that the nakhudha asks for more fighting men and archers, as the pirates off the Malabar Coast are active. The excerpt also remarks that the people till their fields one season and till the oceans the next in speedy cutters. Entire families are involved in this seasonal raiding, and they are talented sailors who can sail any vessel, as well as being expert marksman. The nakhudha has a story about one of these youths, whom he enslaved and who grew into the most talented boatsman that his captain had ever known. However, after 10 years of service, he turned on his enslaver and escaped to join a crew of criminals led by a woman.

Chapter 8 Summary

The crew rows through the night to put distance between them and Aden. Amina finds Tinbu trying to stop Dalila from putting a stinging poultice on the whip-wounds on his back. Amina asks after his family, and it’s revealed that Tinbu is from the Malabar coast and was captured during a raid as a teenager. He complains that his family wants him to come back home for good and to marry. He wants to discuss the mission to find the teenager and says that Falco has already approached him also, but the sorcerer was looking for Amina herself, as he thought she was blessed by the supernatural.

Tinbu and Amina speculate on who is telling the emissary where to find people, and Dalila suspects that Majed, the navigator, is doing so. Amina is skeptical, believing that Majed, who was like an older brother, would never talk about them. Tinbu has gone to visit Majed and says that he is now married with children. He has gone straight, has been on hajj many times, cares for orphans, and has a government job. Tinbu says he knows that Layth, Falco’s agent, is traveling to Zabid next. Suddenly, Tinbu spots his cat between crates and is excited to know that she is safe. He says that she is a lucky cat despite not having good balance or catching mice, and when Amina doubts him, he says the cat’s luck brought his friends just in time to save him.

Chapter 9 Summary

After getting supplies, the Marawati heads for Zabid. Amina enjoys being on the ship again. She makes sure that the crew views her with both fear and love, and she makes it a point to learn their stories and families. While she prays on board, she reflects on how much she has missed this life and thinks that God has arranged for her and the ship to be in Aden exactly when Tinbu needed her. But she also misses her daughter badly. Her inner voice tells her that she is too old to be pirating and should be home with Marjana.

Tinbu finds Layth in a tavern, looking old and sick. He is alarmed when he sees Amina, whom he calls “the seawitch” (125). He tells Amina that Falco wants to hire her to help him sail the Indian Ocean and collect magical objects. He says that Falco has fighters with him but will not say who has told Falco about Amina and her crew. When they bring up the girl, Dunya, he laughs and says that after the girl’s grandmother chased Falco away from her home, Dunya came after them, wanting to make a deal to help him find the magical object known as the Moon of Saba. When Layth begins to tell Amina where Falco went, he chokes. Amina and Tinbu see coin-like shapes appear in his throat, and he coughs up some coins that Amina just gave him. He dies with coins jammed in his mouth and throat, and Amina realizes that they are dealing with something very magical. She is upset at Salima’s lie to them and believes that they need to go see her before they proceed any further in their search.

Interlude 3-Chapter 9 Analysis

In this section, Amina begins to gather her allies, and her escapades introduce The Power of Teamwork as each member of the crew contributes vital effort or information to the overall plan. This theme is made most obvious with the reunion of her old friends, Dalila the poisoner and Tinbu the sailor, as well as her beloved ship, the Marawati. However, the narrative’s focus on teamwork also expands to include the newly recruited crew and Tinbu’s lover, Yusuf, without whose assistance they could never have succeeded. The escapade in Aden emphasizes the fact that the success of Amina’s endeavors will rely heavily upon the various skills that the crew brings to the mix. As they escape from the harbor in a literal blaze of glory, Chakraborty uses this daring image to set future expectations for even more dramatic adventures, and for the first time, the story is expanded beyond the goals of a single person.

The theme of Rekindling and Strengthening One’s Faith also continues, as Amina experiences moments in which she is conflicted about how she must act, but nonetheless overcomes her moments of conscience to do what is necessary anyway. A prime example of this dynamic occurs when she attacks a Muslim soldier when he is praying so that she can take back the Marawati. However, this seeming fall from grace on her part is balanced by her experience back on board her ship, when she herself is praying and feeling closer to God for being out on the open ocean once again. This back-and-forth pattern of pulling away from her faith and inevitably returning to it will become typical of Amina’s behavior as the novel progresses, and this quirk of the protagonist is meant to emphasize Chakraborty’s larger message that returning to God after committing a misdeed is essential for humans who wish to strengthen their connection to the divine despite their mistakes in life.

Just as Amina struggles to obey the tenets of her faith, she also struggles with the ways in which her lifestyle departs from the more mundane expectations that society holds for women and mothers. Her inner conflict with the Conflicting Worlds of Domesticity and Adventure is never absent from the narrative, and this section demonstrates her extreme guilt for enjoying her return to the sea, for she is acutely aware that she has left her daughter behind to do so. This pattern is even further reinforced when her old comrade, Dalila, offhandedly comments that the Marawati is Amina’s “true love” (69). Even as Amina is moved to tears while glorying in the feeling of being at sea, her inner thoughts tell her, “You should be home with your family. Home with your daughter” (123), and this admonishing thought quickly squashes her pleasure in the moment. When Tinbu also states that he has received pressure from family to return home and marry, the narrative demonstrates that women are not the only ones in this novel who experience inner conflicts as they try to inhabit two separate worlds.

Another important concept that appears in this section is Amina’s specific challenge as a female action hero and pirate, for unlike her male counterparts, she must continually prove herself to people. She has an infamous reputation, and yet she constantly needs to remind people that this reputation is true. This pattern sometimes extends to convincing herself when she feels her painful knee or wonders at her ability to climb a mast when she is afraid of heights. The sailors also challenge her authority, forcing her to knock teeth out, threaten to cut off genitals, and manage her own fear to boldly scale a mast and accurately shoot a flaming arrow in order to convince them to follow her and respect her authority as captain. It is also notable that despite her endless proofs of competence, the crew also requires the word of Tinbu—another man—before they are fully convinced to ram the ship, even though Amina is the one who first gives the order. Despite her height and appearance, her gender still makes people question her. However, she also slyly uses this underestimation to her advantage, such as when she tricks Tinbu’s lover into stopping to help her. Faced with this wide array of internal and external challenges, Amina is a hero who knows that she will be underestimated no matter what she does, and so she uses the situation to her advantage even as she goes the extra mile to gain her new crew’s trust.

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