41 pages • 1 hour read
Tobias WolffA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Some of the school’s masters are upset by the selection of Ayn Rand as the next visiting writer. The chairman of the board of trustees, a man who “was also very rich and rained money on the school,” is believed to have insisted on the visit (63). Apparently, the headmaster was planning a drive for scholarship money and needed this man’s backing. The narrator believes in the masters’ conviction that Rand does not deserve a place among literary masters, but, as a scholarship student, he also understands the need for funds. He decides to make up his own mind about her work and gets a copy of The Fountainhead. It captivates him.
Over the holidays, he is taking a bus to visit family in Baltimore when a girl from nearby Miss Cobb’s Academy boards the bus. He knows her, Rain, from a joint school dance where they danced together so closely that a monitor separated them. Later that night, he saw her kissing one of his classmates. They engage in small talk and then she expresses shock at his possession of Rand’s book. Rain loves The Fountainhead and asks if she can borrow his copy, but he denies her.
During the following weeks, the narrator repeatedly re-reads The Fountainhead. He ponders “how shabbily this world treats a man who is strong and great, simply because he’s strong and great” (67). The narrator now believes that:
[…] nothing stood between me and my greatest desires—nothing between me and greatness itself—but the temptation to doubt my will and bow to counsels of moderation, expedience, and conventional morality, and shrink into the long, slow death of respectability (68).
In Baltimore, he stays with his grandfather, Grandjohn, and his grandfather’s wife, Patty. The narrator considers them to be boring, comparing them to Roark, a character from The Fountainhead who strove for individual greatness. He leaves the house whenever possible, going for long walks during which he is now “alert to the smallest surrenders of will” (70).
He returns to school sooner than required to get a head start on his entry for the Rand contest. Few students have returned to campus and he takes long solo walks, mimicking Roark with his cigarette and “passionate striding.” Though he struggles to write anything, he re-reads the book and feels “my sense of originality and power swelling as my mouth resumed its tightness and contempt” (71).
School resumes and he continues reading the book at the expense of other responsibilities. Bill doesn’t think Rand’s work is great. Regarding another of her works, Atlas Shrugged, he says he doesn’t like “all that Übermensch stuff” (72). This quiets the narrator because he associates the term with Nazism, which makes him “instantly conscious of [Bill’s] Jewishness” (72).
As the narrator prepares to pen his story, which he’s sure will be masterful, he falls ill with a case of the flu that is complicated by walking pneumonia. While in a dreamlike state in the infirmary, he senses the regular presence of Grandjohn and Patty, who help care for him.
Finally back at school, the narrator is shocked to learn that Big Jeff Purcell won the Rand contest. Big Jeff, the school’s only vegetarian, wrote a story about alien cows from outer space who have come to this planet to bring home the descendants of their ancestors, who long ago were left on Earth during an abandoned mission. The alien cows are horrified to discover the humans’ treatment of their relatives. They try to convince the cattle to board their ship and come away with them, but the earthly cows mostly refuse because they are comfortable in their situations. Ultimately, only a few join the aliens, who lift off and then use their rays to kill every human on the planet.
In the school newspaper, Rand praises Big Jeff’s willingness “to challenge the collectivist orthodoxy that tyrannizes intellectual life in this country—and nowhere more than in its colleges and schools” (78). In what she views as his critical depiction of the welfare state, she claims that Big Jeff “has here revealed a great and most unpopular truth. The dream of universal equality leads not to paradise, but to Auschwitz!” (79).
The narrator is still sick with the flu and is sent back to the infirmary. He misses Rand’s talk, but Bill tells him about her rants, which included attacks against their school motto, “Give all,” and Kennedy’s request that citizens ask what they can do for their country.
That evening, she holds a follow-up appearance where she will take questions. The narrator sneaks in. She launches into a monologue about her own strengths and successes. The narrator asks her what she thinks of Hemingway. She blasts Hemingway for portraying “weak, defeated people” (84).
The narrator tries to read Rand’s other famous novel, Atlas Shrugged, but can’t get past the first chapter. He then tries to again read The Fountainhead but is no longer interested in it either. He becomes unable to read her work without hearing her voice, which he found repelling. He is bothered by her disdain for human frailty and he now considers Rand’s characters to be unrealistic and unsympathetic; it’s clear to him that Rand and her characters would not have cared for him while he was ill. Grandjohn and Patty did care for him, which gives him a new appreciation for them.
The narrator considers what Rand would say about his childhood domestic life and thinks she would consider it “a perfect instance of the drab little life she’d condemned” (92). He thinks about how his mother, during her short life, was consumed by standard domestic concerns, and how grief has consumed his father.
He takes issue with Rand’s disparaging of Hemingway, noting that she compelled him to “feel the difference between a writer who despised woundedness and one for whom it was a bedrock fact of life” (94). This inspires the narrator to go back and read many of Hemingway’s works. Reading Rand has given the narrator a new appreciation of Hemingway and his realistic, fallible characters. The narrator begins transcribing Hemingway’s works to get a feel for what it’s like to type a great story.
The headmaster announces that Hemingway will be the next visiting writer. The students go wild. The narrator feels confident that he will write the winning story.
It is spring and the narrator feels invigorated. With the change in seasons, students are acting more brashly. The masters let slide most of the minor transgressions. However, that spring there are two expulsions, and nearly a third. One boy is sent packing for being drunk on campus. Another is jettisoned for an encounter with a girl from a neighboring school. Little Jeff Purcell is threatened with expulsion because he has started skipping daily chapel. He does not believe in Christianity and refuses to conform. His demerits are adding up and approach the number that prompts expulsion. While the narrator respects Purcell’s conviction, he also sees his actions as a reflection of class privilege: Purcell comes from a wealthy family and will have a bright future regardless of whether he graduates. The narrator sees this as a kind of snub. Purcell’s future is secure, but he is willing to sacrifice spending time with his friends during their last few weeks on campus.
The narrator has received a full scholarship to Columbia University. In the way he dresses and carries himself, he has created a persona that stereotypically aligns with his bookish pursuits. He’s ready to break free of this persona, which is why he’s chosen Columbia, a school which none of his classmates will attend.
He compares his stories to Hemingway’s. It becomes clear to him that his own stories are “designed to make me appear as I was not,” while “Hemingway’s willingness to let himself be seen as he was, in uncertainty or meanness or fear, even empty of feeling, somehow gave the charge of truth to everything else” (110). He continues to type out Hemingway’s stories, hoping that this exercise will provoke him to write something true and worthy, but his writer’s block remains.
The narrator considers the competition from Bill, Purcell, and George. He deems George a particular threat and goes to visit him. George has been ignoring his editorial duties and seems fully focused on his story for the Hemingway contest. The narrator picks up Bill’s slack to help ensure their magazine issue is published on time. A dance with a nearby girls’ school is scheduled for Friday, but the narrator plans instead to use that time to finish editorial duties so he can spend the weekend drafting his contest entry, which is due on Monday.
In an act of attempted solidarity, Big Jeff declares that if Little Jeff Purcell is expelled because of his chapel protest, he too will leave the school. This infuriates Purcell, who tells Big Jeff that the protest has nothing to do with him.
The narrator sets out his clothes, hoping to go to the dance, but only if he first manages to draft a good story beginning. By the time Bill returns to their room at midnight, he still hasn’t written anything. They both seem to be struggling with their work and, in a broader sense, with their positions in life. They have always been emotionally distant with each other, but the narrator considers initiating a deep conversation with Bill. However, they maintain the façade, claiming that their stories for the contest are going well.
On Saturday, Purcell attends chapel, a decision that prevents his expulsion at the last minute. Many students assume he attends chapel so Big Jeff will remain enrolled. The narrator believes it less an altruistic gesture, and more that Purcell doesn’t want the “humiliating spectacle of Big Jeff throwing himself on Purcell’s very own funeral pyre” (119).
They have their final editorial meeting and decide to run a story, “The Forked Tongue,” by a student who has long desired to be in the magazine. They debate its merits, but George says to print it, noting, “It’s not like the rest of this crap’s about to set the world on fire” (120).
The narrator sits alone in the editorial office, tasked with typing out rejection letters. He gazes over the collection of student lit mags published by other schools. He starts flipping through them and picks up a five-year-old copy of the magazine from the nearby girls’ school. To his surprise, he’s captivated by a story called “Summer Dance.” It’s about a Jewish high school girl, Ruth, who comes from a struggling household, where she must help care for her mother. She is a scholarship student at a boarding school. Ruth’s wealthy friend, Caroline, invites her to a dance at the country club, and Caroline requests that Ruth use a non-Jewish last name for the club’s guest list, though she claims to find it disgusting to need to do so. Ruth agrees.
At the dance, Ruth takes an interest in a boy named Colson. However, Caroline has her eyes set on the same boy. Ruth can tell that Colson is interested in her, but she instead latches on to his friend because she doesn’t want Caroline to become upset with her, as Caroline has the power to end her access to this social circle.
The narrator again reads the story, noting, “From the very first sentence I was looking myself right in the face” (125). The story feels as though it is his own. As he’d done with Hemingway’s work, he begins to type out “Summer Dance.” While transcribing it, he feels “an intuition of gracious release” (126). To personalize it, he starts changing some aspects of the story. He notes that the story didn’t require much adjusting and that it truthfully depicts his own thoughts and life. He submits it for the contest.
Mr. Ramsey takes the narrator aside and extensively praises his story, the title of which he has not changed from “Summer Dance.” Mr. Ramsey tells the narrator that Hemingway has chosen his story as the winner. On the following day, the news will be shared with the rest of campus, and the story will run in the school’s newspaper. The narrator walks alone to a hilltop and feels nostalgic about the school as he gazes down at the campus. He then naps.
The next day, the narrator is in the foyer of the dining hall and notices classmates looking up from their newspapers to catch glances of him. His story runs next to an interview with Hemingway. The questions have been edited out of the interview, in which Hemingway provides brief praise of the story and long, rambling advice about what it takes to be a writer.
In a week, Hemingway will arrive on campus, at which point the narrator is scheduled to have a personal audience with him. The narrator is somewhat disappointed with Hemingway’s interview, wishing it expressed greater adoration of his story rather than disjointed advice on how to become a successful author. The narrator feels slighted by the lack of praise and comes to resent the editing of the interview, which was done by Mr. Ramsey. However, the narrator does receive compliments from faculty and students, including George.
In their dorm room, Bill becomes upset with the narrator. Bill, who is Jewish, lashes out because he doesn’t believe the narrator, as a Catholic, can truthfully tell a story that deals with anti-Semitism. He says to the narrator, “That was my story, you fucking leech. That was my story and you know it” (140). Bill also reveals that he didn’t submit his story for the Hemingway contest.
After dinner, the narrator returns to their dorm room, hoping to have a calm, productive discussion with Bill about the morality of writing the story. However, Bill doesn’t show up at the dorm. The narrator goes to the library, where Bill has earned a small office. Bill isn’t there either. Though the narrator knows he shouldn’t, he enters the office and reads through Bill’s notebook. There are more than a hundred handwritten pages that reveal “nakedness and misery” and show why Bill “could never have shown a page of it to anyone” (141).
The narrator is summoned to the dean’s office, though he isn’t concerned, figuring that Dean Makepeace simply wants to give him some pointers for his upcoming meeting with Hemingway. In the office, he is met by the headmaster, Mr. Ramsey, Mr. Lambert, and Goss, who is the president of the Student Honor Council. Dean Makepeace isn’t present. The narrator doesn’t understand what the meeting is about.
Mr. Lambert tells the narrator to explain himself; the narrator is confused by this order. The headmaster hands the narrator a copy of the paper that originally published “Summer Dance,” written by Susan Friedman. The narrator logically understands that someone else wrote the story, but he still sees it as his own. He states, “I couldn’t reconcile what I knew to be true with what I felt to be true” (143).
The narrator says he now understands why he’s in the office. The headmaster explains that someone from Friedman’s alma mater recognized the story. He explains to the narrator how this has brought great shame to his school. All but Mr. Ramsey take turns in expressing their great disappointment with the narrator. They emphasize how greatly this will damage the school’s reputation. Mr. Ramsey periodically chimes in and suggests the others go easier on the narrator.
The narrator is expelled. He is to get on the five o’clock train to go home. The headmaster tells him that his offer to Columbia will be rescinded.
The narrator is left alone in the office. Eventually, Mr. Ramsey returns with the narrator’s bags. Without letting any students know, they head for the train station. On the way, the narrator criticizes Mr. Ramsey for censoring the Hemingway interview. Mr. Ramsey says the alumni office has the final call on such matters, though he did do some censoring on his own, but only because he was looking out for Hemingway, who, in his old age, sometimes says things that make him look bad. The narrator wonders if Hemingway said anything else about his story. Mr. Ramsey corrects him, stating, “Susan Friedman’s story, I believe you mean” (149).
Mr. Ramsey explains that, over the phone, the narrator’s father didn’t believe the headmaster’s accusations. They arrive at the station, long before the train is scheduled to arrive. Mr. Ramsey sits next to the narrator on a bench and offers him a cigarette. The narrator wants one but declines.
The narrator asks why Dean Makepeace wasn’t at the meeting and Mr. Ramsey explains it was apparently because of personal matters. They then fall into a silence. The narrator thinks about how, in his notebook, Bill described in detail his romance with Mr. Ramsey’s wife. Bill was heartbroken because she’d ended it. The narrator suspects that Mr. Ramsey is aware of this. The train arrives and Mr. Ramsey stuffs the pack of cigarettes into the narrator’s shirt pocket.
Ayn Rand is a controversial choice for visiting writer because her work is often regarded more as libertarian manifesto than as literary art. Also, there is criticism of the apparent financial pressure that led to her selection. This highlights the friction between the school’s status as a wealthy institution and its well-respected literary circle. For the school to attain its institutional goals (in this case increasing scholarship availability), it needs sufficient funding. But to gain these funds, it must make decisions that cater to rich alumni, even if those decisions conflict with the faculty’s intellectual ideals. Thus, a situation is created in which Rand is invited to campus, much to the dismay of several English masters.
The narrator’s initial obsession with The Fountainhead shows that, despite his air of intellectual sophistication, he is still a boy who is easily influenced by a story that celebrates heroism, even if the heroes are unrealistic, underdeveloped characters. By mimicking Roark’s gestures, the narrator again shows his penchant for using others’ templates to create his own persona. This foreshadows the act of plagiarism that will soon get him expelled.
It is ironic that the narrator falls ill while celebrating—and attempting to imitate—the unbreakably vigorous characters in The Fountainhead. Grandjohn and Patty help to care from him. After comparing them to Rand’s characters and considering them to be boring and weak, he will soon realize that their compassion is a sign not of weakness, but of humanity. As he continues his search for identity, this fluctuation again illustrates his ever-shifting ideology.
Rand celebrates Big Jeff’s story because she sees it as a critique of the welfare state. However, Big Jeff, who is the school’s only vegetarian, actually intends to denounce humans’ treatment of animals. This discrepancy humorously shows how fervent idealism can shape one’s (mis)interpretation of art.
When Rand blasts Hemingway’s characters for being wounded, the narrator’s interest in her work begins to wane. He realizes that if Rand knew his own family, she would speak of them vitriolically. This compels him to revisit Hemingway’s works. Through the vulnerabilities and mistakes of Hemingway’s characters, he can draw connections to himself and his family. When the narrator begins transcribing Hemingway’s stories, we again see his march toward academic plagiarism.
With the announcement of Hemingway’s visit, the narrator has never been more motivated to produce exceptional writing. His desire to win the contest, seemingly at any cost, establishes a line of tension that climaxes with his later expulsion. His literary desires are still outrunning his ability.
The narrator’s assessment of Purcell’s protest illustrates his keen observational skills. He has an ability to look below the surface and see the mechanics behind a dramatic action. This ability also shows his skepticism, which seems rooted in his own self-criticism. In his critique of Purcell, we also see how he remains particularly conscious of class dynamics. He doesn’t seem outright spiteful toward Purcell for coming from a wealthy family; however, he does understand that Purcell’s socioeconomic status affords him a certain amount of safety with which he can take bold action. When Purcell ends his protest, the narrator again is skeptical of the motivation, considering the decision to be more self-serving than altruistic.
The narrator still cannot bring himself to have a heart-to-heart conversation with his roommate, Bill. This reluctance again displays the narrator’s difficulty with breaking free of his created personas, and it establishes tension that boils over when Bill later accuses the narrator of appropriating Jewish identity.
“Summer Dance” captivates the narrator, and his appreciation of the story sets him directly on the path toward plagiarism and expulsion. The narrator, however, doesn’t seem fully aware that he’s plagiarizing the story. The story strikes him so strongly as his own truth that it seems appropriate to change a few details and call it his work. This apparent lack of self-awareness again calls the narrator’s reliability into question.
The narrator wins the contest and seems entirely unconcerned about the plagiarism. After Mr. Ramsey extensively praises the story, the narrator takes a leisurely stroll up to a hilltop, where he naps. The narrator is entirely at ease about his victory, and not because he is malicious or sociopathic. Rather, he truly views the story as his own. As such, he feels genuinely deserving of any accolades that the story receives. The narrator seems particularly brazen when he criticizes how the Hemingway interview has been edited. Rather than feeling regretful that his plagiarized story has been published, he is angry that the story has not received greater praise from Hemingway. Again, his belief that the story is truly his own complicates any accusations of malicious intent.
At some points in the story, the narrator seems acutely self-aware. However, in other instances, such as when he appears unconcerned about his plagiarism, he displays a pronounced lack of awareness that makes trusting his judgments difficult. However, because this story is being told by a much older version of the narrator, we trust that any lack of self-awareness in the narrator as a boy is accounted for in the storytelling by the narrator as an adult. The distance between the younger and older versions of the narrator helps to maintain trust in the narration, even when unreliability could be a concern.
The narrator becomes defensive when Bill accuses him of cultural appropriation. The narrator sees “Summer Dance” as speaking so poignantly to his own family background that his non-Jewishness seems, to him, irrelevant. This shows an inability, or unwillingness, of the narrator to try to sympathize with his roommate, and this lack of sympathy hints at why they’ve never had a deep friendship.
When he is summoned to the office and charged with plagiarism by the headmaster, the narrator seems to begin grasping what he has done. However, though he logically understands that Friedman wrote the story, he still sees it as his own. This gives rise to the question: To what extent is any artwork a collaboration? Nonetheless, this is a clear instance of plagiarism and the narrator is now expelled. Regardless of intent, his actions have caused harm and he is held accountable.
By Tobias Wolff