42 pages 1 hour read

Jack Gantos

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1998

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Chapters 4-6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “Go Fish”

After the departure of his grandmother, Joey returns to an empty house after school while his mother works at a local beauty parlor. She gives him a house key to wear around his neck on a long string and establishes a variety of rules for him: he may not light the stove, take a bath, open the door or leave the house.

During the afternoon class, Joey starts to put the key in his mouth; he progresses to swallowing the key whole and then pulling it out of his throat by the string “[…] like I was fishing for bottom feeders” (31). Mrs. Maxy notices this, cuts the string and puts the key in Joey’s pocket. Despite his efforts, Joey loses focus and makes a bet with his classmate, Seth Justman, that he can swallow the key whole in return for a dollar. Joey forgets that the key is no longer attached to the string and advises the teacher that he has swallowed the key. The school administers Ipecac, a medication that induces vomiting; however, the key does not appear. Nurse Holyfield asks him a series of questions, such as whether he loses things frequently. Principal Jarzab brings him to the Special Ed room and explains that he will receive extra help there in learning to sit still. Joey is frightened by the other students, “[…] the hurt kids, the slow kids, the kids who steered their wheelchairs with their chins, the spastic kids who walked and talked funny” (36), and he sees that many of them are accompanied through the school day by their mothers.

The teacher, Mrs. Howard, tests Joey by having him sit in a large metal chair that is bolted to the floor to see how long he can sit. Exhausted after squirming helplessly, Joey eventually falls asleep wearing the rabbit slippers that the teacher has him wear to deter him from kicking the chair legs. He returns to Mrs. Maxy’s classroom late in the afternoon; she has him apologize to the class for his misbehavior. Later in the evening, Principal Jarzab calls Joey’s mother to explain his new school arrangement. 

Chapter 5 Summary: “Make a Wish”

After Joey’s mother administers mineral oil, he passes the key, fishes it out of the toilet, and brings it to school. His classmate, Seth, encourages Joey to swallow the key attached to the string; he does so, and Mrs. Maxy sends Joey to the nurse. Joey admits to Nurse Holyfield that he had forgotten to take his medication that morning. His teacher confiscates the key and hangs it on the bulletin board; she sends him to Mrs. Howard’s room for a “focus session.”

Joey attends a birthday party for Harold, who wears and neck brace and has trouble moving. Harold struggles trying to blow out his candle; Joey, trying to be helpful, does so for him, but “Everyone gasped” (46), and Joey has to sit in the Big Quiet Chair.

Having forgotten his key on the bulletin board, Joey hides from the neighborhood “bad kids” on the porch until his mother arrives home. He immediately pummels her with questions about his past because of conversations that he had overheard in the Special Ed room. He wonders whether he ate paint chips as a baby, if he had fallen on his head, and whether she had consumed a lot of alcohol while pregnant with him. She responds that she had “A glass of wine with dinner and an Amaretto sour after,” but then warns him not to question her further. Joey is not sure if his mother is crying due to having consumed alcohol while pregnant or “[…] just the everyday sadness of her life with me” (50).

Joey knows that he is far less disabled than his Special Ed cohorts, some of whom are almost entirely dysfunctional. Joey enjoys good days when he plans and accomplishes certain tasks, but he describes his usual morning as waking up “[…] with springs popping” inside his head. He reflects on his mother’s ability to calm him and enjoys the days when his medication is effective, he is able to focus in school, and “[…] the kids don’t call me Zippy” (52). 

Chapter 6 Summary: “Who?”

Joey is excited when the class visits an Amish farm on a day trip. He describes two young Amish tour guides, who are “[…] girls in long blue dresses with starched white aprons” (55). The girls show the class Amish people who are cooking and sewing. Joey smells something wonderful baking and one of the guides explains that it is “molasses shoofly pie”; the boy assumes that the ingredients are “[...] shoes and flies and molasses” (57). Joey is eagerly anticipating the delicious smelling pie; he is devastated when Mrs. Maxy tells him that the sugar in the dessert will have a bad effect on him and offers him an apple slice as a substitute. Furthermore, she forbids him from carving a pumpkin with the other students because she fears that he will hurt himself with the small carving knife. Joey refuses to draw on the pumpkin rather than carve it; he throws the knife into the pumpkin patch rather than relinquishing it to his teacher. Consequently, he is sent to the school bus for a “time-out,” but he manages to sneak into the kitchen and pilfer an entire shoefly pie, which he consumes rapidly.

Joey has an immediate, manic reaction to the sugary treat and climbs a ladder to the uppermost loft of a huge barn, “[…] sliding down the tilted beams and climbing others like a monkey on a coconut tree” (63), but he feels his “gears […] shifting” and is suddenly depleted of all energy. A terrified Mrs. Maxy arranges to have an older Amish man climb a long ladder to rescue the boy, but Joey impulsively jumps into a pile of hay bales far below the rafters. He was trying to imitate a “[…] million movies of kids falling in hay […] and running off” (65), but he hurts his ankle badly in the process. He explains this to his teacher, who tells him that there is a “[…] difference between what you think you are doing and what happens to you and everybody else” (66). 

Chapters 4-6 Analysis

These chapters provide anecdotal illustrations of the difficulties that children who have ADHD face and the challenges of their caregivers. The house key is both a source of pride and trouble Joey. When he reflects upon the rules involved with his being home alone until his mother’s return from work, the reader learns that he was once assaulted by “mean kids” from the neighborhood on the way home from school, so he’s happy to comply with a rule that forbids him from answering the door; he recalls another boy holding him down and tying a leash around his neck while demanding that Joey “Play dead” (31). Similarly, when he forgets the key at school, he “[…] lay down flat on the porch to hide from the bad kids” (47) for two hours until his mother arrives. These instances highlight several problems that exist for Joey: that of being victimized by other children and the consequences of his single mother’s attempts to care for him without physical or financial assistance.

This section highlights Joey’s difficulties with social interactions as well. Genuinely good-hearted and nurturing, he suffers watching Harold, who “[…] was in a neck brace and couldn’t blow out his own candle” (46) during his birthday celebration in the Special Ed room. He feels that the adults are not intervening appropriately, and he blows the candle out in an attempt to help the disabled child; however, he is sent to the Big Quiet Chair as a result. In the same way, Joey misinterprets social cues when dealing with his somewhat unscrupulous classmate, Seth Justman, who offers Joey a dollar if he agrees to swallow the house key that he had dropped in the toilet that morning. Seth takes advantage of Joey’s naivete again during the Amish country visit, when Joey literally interprets the ingredients of “shoofly” pie to include both shoes and flies. He encourages the boy to request extra flies on his slice of pie, revealing the cruelty of Joey’s peers and his gullibility.

“Acting before thinking,” or the lack of impulse control associated with Joey’s particular challenges, is involved when he swallows his house key without realizing that it is no longer connected to a string and when he jumps into the hay from a barn rafter rather than awaiting help. Children experiencing this disorder are overrepresented in terms of injuries—particularly boys. Joey’s exuberance and enthusiasm for trying new things may ultimately work to his advantage when he learns to channel them more effectively, but his childhood seems destined to be marked by accidents and injuries.

Another physiological component noted in the text relates to diet. Joey craves the sugary shoofly pie that he smells baking on the class trip, but his teacher forbids him to eat it, fearing the behavioral consequences; he has the same experience at Harold’s birthday celebration, when he is given a carrot instead of cake. Both teachers adhere to the dietary philosophy that dictates low consumption of sugars and refined carbohydrates and higher use of lean proteins in the diets of children like Joey. He describes the feeling that he experienced after consuming the shoofly pie as hearing “really loud static […] like tires speeding down a wet road and coming right at me” (63) prior to impulsively climbing into the barn rafters.

Finally, the author touches on the topic of parental guilt. When Joey overhears two mothers in the Special Ed room discussing the cause of a child’s disabilities, he questions his own mother as to her alcohol consumption during her pregnancy. She admits to daily glasses of wine and Amaretto; subsequently, Joey realizes that she is crying. The literature indicates that while prenatal alcohol consumption may be related to ADHD, it is not an inevitable result. Joey is left to wonder whether his mother’s tears are related to guilt or to “[…] the everyday sadness of her life with me” (50), suggesting Joey’s own guilt.