55 pages 1 hour read

Cynthia Voigt


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1981

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Sibling Dynamics Under Duress

Content Warning: This section of the guide discusses mental illness, domestic violence, food insecurity, and child hunger.

The novel explores the dynamics of sibling relationships in difficult times by building multifaceted characters who cling to each other while grappling with the emotional distress that accompanies homelessness, abandonment, and uncertainty. Through both positive and negative interactions, Dicey, James, Maybeth, and Sammy navigate their complex individual relationships with each of their siblings.

As the novel’s leading protagonist, Dicey is defined by her sense of responsibility to her younger siblings. Dicey sacrifices her own needs and wants for her family’s well-being, leading her to feel weighed down by the burden of caring for young children. This dynamic builds tension and conflict in the family. At one point, Dicey threatens to leave Sammy behind before relenting to carry him on her back:

The afternoon was bleached hot white, hotter and whiter for Dicey with Sammy on her back. The air tasted bad in her mouth, as she gasped for breath. [...] Dicey forced her feet to move, and her legs, and her hands to hold tight on to Sammy’s feet, and her back to stay straight because in the long run that would hurt less (27).