59 pages 1 hour read

Charles Bukowski

Ham on Rye

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1982

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Chapters 34-46Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 34 Summary

Still stuck in bed, Henry begins to write stories to entertain himself. He writes about a German World War I pilot named Baron Von Himmlen who is socially alienated and physically scarred, just like Henry. Writing about the Baron’s heroic deeds makes Henry feel good.

Chapter 35 Summary

Henry continues his painful acne treatment but becomes used to the process. His father finds work as a guard at a museum. Since his father has a job, Henry is no longer entitled to the free treatment at the hospital. He never sees Miss Ackerman again. Henry Senior wants his son to reenroll in high school. Henry discovers the public library and reads books by Upton Sinclair, Sinclair Lewis, Josephine Lawrence, D. H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, and many more. He reads late into the night, despite his father’s instructions to go to bed.

Chapter 36 Summary

Back at high school, Henry is still ignored by the rich students. A group of “the poor and the lost” (155) students form around Henry, much to his annoyance.

Chapter 37 Summary

Through his friend Gene, Henry meets an aspiring boxer named Harry Gibson. He spars with Gene’s oldest brother, Dan. Harry knocks down Dan with ease and then does the same to Gene. Henry, annoyed at Harry’s aggression, calls him “yellow” (158). Henry is made to fight Harry. Henry puts up a good fight but does not notice the blood and pus from his broken boils. Dan and Gene split up the fight. Harry credits Henry as being “pretty good” (159). Henry walks home, trembling and bleeding.

Chapter 38 Summary

Henry dislikes Jimmy Hatcher, even though Jimmy insists they are friends. Jimmy takes Henry and Baldy to his girlfriend’s house. Ann Weatherton has a late class, but Jimmy lets them inside with a key. Henry is horrified when Jimmy begins masturbating the family dog, Bones, whom he claims “needs release” (161). Jimmy also urinates in the family milk, and, just as he is about to do something else, Ann returns home. When she and Jimmy kiss, Henry and Baldy leave.

Chapter 39 Summary

Jimmy convinces Henry to go to the beach, even though Henry is self-conscious about his acne scars. While cycling, Henry argues with a young man driving a car and then stops to wait for Jimmy. At the beach, Jimmy flirts with girls, but Henry is reluctant to get involved. Jimmy assures the girls Henry is “just strange” (167). Alone, Henry watches Jimmy with the girls. As he watches, a young boy throws sand in his face. Henry chases him away. Jimmy returns with the girls’ phone numbers. They return home.

Chapter 40 Summary

Henry is one of the “misfits” who is enrolled in Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC) rather than gym class (170). Lt. Beechcroft teaches the boys to “hate the enemy” (171). A big fight breaks out during a training exercise, but Henry just sits to the side on his own.

Chapter 41 Summary

ROTC means Henry rarely plays sports. He has “no interests” (174), in his words. He is selected to represent his squadron at a competition. He has no desire to win and wishes he could be anywhere else, drinking beer. Nevertheless, he wins by a fluke and does not feel like he earned his medal. He walks home, tossing his medal in a storm drain, and then prepares to mow the lawn.

Chapter 42 Summary

Henry’s parents criticize him for his poor grades and sullen disposition. They tell him to be more like Abe Mortenson, whose mother makes him study intensely outside of school hours. Henry convinces Abe to abandon his studies and play baseball on a Sunday. Henry plays well but develops an intense rivalry with a newcomer named Kitten Floss, who suckers Henry into being struck out. Desperate to catch Kitten out, Henry collides with Abe in the outfield and hurts Abe’s arm. Later, his parents punish him for breaking Abe’s arm. They are worried about being sued, but Henry Senior is quietly “proud of a son who could break somebody’s arm” (185).

Chapter 43 Summary

Jimmy finds work in a grocery store and steals beer to drink with Henry. He also rips up his neighbor’s mail and speaks frankly about his father’s death by suicide. When they drink beer, Jimmy talks about his mother’s history as a sex worker. Henry enjoys drinking, but Jimmy vomits. When he passes out, Henry continues to drink and thinks about how he could have sex with Jimmy’s mother, Clare. When Clare returns home, she dismisses his propositions and calls him “a god-damned little kid drunk on beer” (190). When he continues, however, she pulls up her skirt as a challenge. Henry seems suddenly demure. He makes his excuses and leaves.

Chapter 44 Summary

Henry thinks about the impossible nature of his future. His father seems like a stranger to him, and his mother seems nonexistent. Since he is poor, he believes, he will never truly be able to succeed in society. He attends senior prom and watches through a window, feeling like an “ugly,” alien creature compared to those inside. He hates “their beauty, their untroubled youth” (194). A security guard appears and tells him to go home.

Chapter 45 Summary

Henry graduates high school. As the other students collect their diplomas, Henry and his friends speculate about their futures. Abe shows Henry the middle finger, and Henry is shocked, unsure whether he should fight Abe. He chooses not to, noting he escaped the lawsuit for breaking Abe’s arm thanks to his mother’s pleading. Henry’s parents approach Abe’s parents, and, while they talk, Abe denies any knowledge of insulting Henry. As the other families drive away in their new cars, Henry reluctantly gets in his family’s dilapidated car and thinks about his “bright future” (200).

Chapter 46 Summary

Henry finds a job in a department store named Mears-Starbuck. He walks to work on his first day and stops to pet a stray dog. He tries to share his sandwiches with the dog, but the dog refuses the food. At the store, he meets Superintendent Ferris. He is shown how to work a timecard and, on seeing his fellow new employees, decides he is one of the “pathetic group of losers” (205). Henry delivers stock from the warehouse to the store. The salespeople are rude to the warehouse workers. That evening, he argues with his parents and prepares to work the next day.

Chapters 34-46 Analysis

In high school, Henry’s understanding of social class becomes even more pronounced. Whereas he was bullied for being poor in his previous schools, the richer students in his new school simply ignore him. He envies them. He envies their cars, clothes, and happiness. Yet while he directs his hate at them, they are barely aware of his existence. That they should be unaware of his suffering deepens Henry’s resentment but demonstrates to him that money allows them the privilege of not caring. They can rest on their laurels. They do not need to worry about their job or their paycheck, or even about getting into trouble as they are able to rely on their financial situation and their class privilege to deal with any impediments. To Henry, this arrangement seems deeply unfair. They are not only rich, but, in his eyes, they are free from the trauma, fear, anxiety, and suffering that comes from being poor. Rather than work hard and earn more money to alleviate this suffering, Henry doubles down on his social status. His resentment toward the rich intensifies, and he develops an understanding of social class and privilege that positions him against the rest of the rich, undeserving world. His poverty drives him away from the rich and drives him away from everyone, illustrating Social Alienation Caused by Poverty. The working class itself is alienated socially from the upper classes; it is isolated and untouched by the middle and upper classes that avoid it and ostracize it. This increasing isolation demonstrates The Life Story of Poverty, as the autobiographical novel Ham on Rye becomes a detailing of a man’s increasing isolation as a result of his economic circumstances.

As a poor man, one of the few pleasures that transcends Henry’s financial difficulties is literature. Through the public libraries, he has access to the canon of world literature, and he sets about educating himself. Reading literature suits Henry because it allows him to indulge his anxieties. Reading is a solitary venture, in which his imagination does all the work of creating a rich, interesting world. He is able to live within himself, disappearing into the works as a more positive manifestation of his Social Alienation Caused by Poverty. He does not want to be near people, and he fears sharing his emotions with others, so he vanishes into the world of literature. Importantly, the public library is free at the point of service. Henry does not need to pay for using the library, so he can feel as though he is acting within his working-class identity. To satisfy his dislike of rich people, however, he develops a distaste for contemporary writers. He views them as indulgent, bourgeoise products of everything he loathes about society. In this way, literature gives him a chance to indulge his alienation through the use of reading as a form of escapism while also allowing him to kindle his loathing of the wealthy by actively turning against anyone who produces writing in his era. He sees contemporary writing as being emblematic of The Illusion of the American Dream. Contemporary successful writers, he thinks, are so only because they were rich in the first place; it is not in his hopes to ever become successful like them. He also believes that the older writers he identifies with were unpopular and unsuccessful in their time because they were not rich themselves. They are only appreciated after their deaths, after their opportunity to experience wealth has ended.

After he leaves school, Henry finds a job. He does not search for long, but the job in the department store serves to open his eyes to the situation in which he finds himself. Once again, he is surrounded by people whom he hates. This happened in school; each time he went to a new school, he developed an intense loathing for most of his classmates. When he enters the workplace, however, he finds his colleagues to be pathetic. Slowly, he begins to develop a degree of self-awareness. The common denominator is Henry; he is no better than his colleagues, as they are working for a wage, just like him. This is the bright future that Henry feared. He has spent his life being told by his father that he must find a job; he has spent his life loathing everyone around him. Now, he realizes that he is just like everyone else and that no one is happy. Instead, everyone, in Henry’s eyes, is just as detestable as him. This is another form of Social Alienation Caused by Poverty, as even his mindset is alienated and prevents him from connecting with those in his same economic circumstances, working at his same job.