66 pages 2 hours read

Stephanie Garber


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2017

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Part 6, Chapters 27-30Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6: “Night Four of Caraval”

Part 6, Chapter 27 Summary

Scarlett and Julian make sure Scarlett’s father is nowhere in sight before they return to the town where they begin looking for their next clue. Scarlett insists on finding the haberdashery to make sense of all the buttons in the game, but Julian really doesn’t want to enter. Aiko appears and advises them to steer clear of the haberdashery. Julian and Aiko exchange words about Aiko costing Scarlett days of her life and Julian leaving Scarlett waiting in the tavern alone.

Aiko again suggests that Scarlett shouldn’t go in that shop, but Scarlett is determined. She enters the shop with Julian and recognizes the man behind the counter as the darkly handsome man with the crimson cravat from when she drank the cider. Scarlett gives the man the buttons and asks if he can help them. The man takes her hand, and Julian reminds him, “You might want to actually look at the buttons, mate” (268). The man isn’t interested in the buttons but is clearly interested in Scarlett. Julian insists they leave and wraps his arm protectively around Scarlett, but Scarlett thinks she’s just being too afraid again. Julian tells the man that he wants him to stop looking at his fiancée like that, to which the man replies, “All this time, I thought she was my fiancée” (269).

Part 6, Chapter 28 Summary

At last, Scarlett learns the identity of her fiancé, Count Nicolas d’Arcy. He is a very finely dressed gentleman, but he doesn’t behave like a gentleman and shatters Scarlett’s illusions of the man she thought he was in his letters. Her father emerges from a back door, and Julian insists they leave. Count d’Arcy grabs at Scarlett, but Julian topples a display of glass eyes so they can make their escape. Scarlett and Julian run until they reach the canal. It’s storming, but they get in the boat anyway.

Governor Dragna pleads with his daughter, and she wonders if he’s actually crying or if it’s the rain. Julian rows the boat across the canal toward Castillo Maldito, and they run into the courtyard. Julian expresses frustration with himself for letting her play this game and wants her to quit now that there’s so much real danger. Scarlett isn’t having it and tells him he’s just being jealous. He assures her he isn’t, but she knows he’s lying. Soaking wet in the rain, they hold each other “[a] whisper shy of kissing” (276). Julian is worried she’ll regret her choices because there are things about him she doesn’t know. Scarlett wants him to feel comfortable telling her and says that she’s not afraid of his secrets. Julian replies that perhaps she should be and kisses her.

Part 6, Chapter 29 Summary

Scarlett and Julian share a night together. Scarlett announces that she thinks she knows what the last clue is: the roses for Rosa. They have to get back to the hotel to look at them closely to see if there’s any kind of hidden note with the roses. They take the tunnels to avoid encountering her father and the count. They hurry down into the tunnel, and Scarlett instructs Julian to go ahead of her and close the entry to the tunnel before her father reaches it. They’re too late, though, and they break into a run in the tunnels.

They manage to outrun her father, but Scarlett is captured by her fiancé, who seems to enjoy the chase. Scarlett begs Julian to run, but he won’t leave her alone with the count. Scarlett’s father reminds Julian of how he punishes his daughters and punches Scarlett for Julian’s behavior. Governor Dragna then pulls a knife on Julian. Scarlett pleads with him not to harm him and swears she’ll never disobey him again. Count d’Arcy silences Scarlett by covering her mouth as Governor Dragna slashes Julian’s face with the knife.

Julian torments the count for being so pathetic he has tortured another man to get the woman he wants. Governor Dragna moves to strike him again, but Count d’Arcy suggests that’s enough. Scarlett realizes Count d’Arcy has the power to stop all this because her father listens to him, but he chooses not to. They decide to move the altercation from the tunnels to the hotel; Julian will stay with Governor Dragna, and Scarlett will stay with Count d’Arcy. Scarlett is extremely uncomfortable with this proposition but agrees on the condition that they let Julian leave. Julian doesn’t want to go, but Scarlett demands that he does. She knows if her father is alone with Julian, he’ll kill him, and she has a plan. She looks Julian in the eyes, hoping he understands.

Part 6, Chapter 30 Summary

Scarlett and Count d’Arcy return to her room. The count apologizes to Scarlett for his behavior in the tunnels and insists he’ll be different when they’re married. Scarlett notices the count’s demeanor changes when they’re alone, as his “overbred sophistication [is] completely gone, replaced with clinical precision, as if this [is] a business matter he need[s] to wrap up” (291). Scarlett understands the count’s nefarious intentions as he unbuttons his shirt. Scarlett pretends she’s cold and stokes the fire. The count grabs her shoulder, and she points the hot poker at him. Scarlett directs the count to back up to the bedposts. She opens the wardrobe, and Julian topples out. The count is confused, and Scarlett seizes the opportunity to use the Elixir of Protection on the count, which renders him weak and unable to fight back. Count d’Arcy insists that she’s making a mistake and that breaking them up is exactly what Legend wants. Scarlett tends to Julian’s wounds and seeing the count for the vile man he truly is, Scarlett states she believes Legend is doing her a favor. The count warns her to not be so sure as “Legend doesn’t do anyone favors” (294).

Part 6, Chapters 27-30 Analysis

Scarlett develops a greater sense of autonomy. Just as much as she enjoys Julian’s touch, she loathes the count’s. The way her father auctioned her off to a man and sends her to be alone with him in a bedroom before their wedding makes her realize that she is not a piece of property to be bought and sold. Scarlett no longer allows herself to be victimized. When she picks up the hot poker, she takes her fate into her own hands. She knows what she is doing is risky, but she knows that suppressing her desires to appease her father is worse. Rather than listening to her father’s lies or the Count’s warnings about Legend, Scarlett trusts her intuition. This moment contrasts her fearful nature at the beginning of the novel.

In meeting her fiancé and realizing that he’s just as villainous as her father, Scarlett realizes that the old life she was planning to return to is no longer an option. In her desperation, she vies for freedom rather than fear. Likewise, she relaxes her inhibitions with Julian and becomes intimate with him, despite his continued suggestions that he’s not trustworthy.

The characters continue to question Master Legend’s morality and intentions. Scarlett goes from trusting him as the manufacturer of her adventure, to suspecting him of using her to exact revenge on her grandmother, to again thinking he has her best interest at heart by separating her from her cruel fiancé. As a character who hasn’t actually been present in the novel at all, Master Legend operates as an all-knowing force who manipulates Scarlett’s magical universe to unknown ends. In this way, Master Legend is a stand-in for fate.