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Jim KjelgaardA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Danny Pickett lives in the Wintapi wilderness with his father, Ross Pickett. One day, Danny trails a bull through the woods for his boss, Mr. Haggin. Danny soon finds the tracks of the Wintapi’s infamous bear, Old Majesty. He’s trailed Old Majesty before but hopes that today he’ll be able to kill him. When he finds Mr. Haggin’s dead bull shortly thereafter, he gives up on the bear and leaves the woods.
Danny walks to Mr. Haggin’s estate to tell him about the bull. Mr. Haggin owns and operates the property in the Wintapi clearing. Mr. Haggin’s dog Red greets Danny as he approaches. Danny is familiar with dogs, but this hound seems different. Mr. Haggin’s overseer, Robert Fraley, addresses Danny brusquely. Danny doesn’t want to tell Fraley about the bull or the bear and waits to see Mr. Haggin. Meanwhile, Red stays by his side.
When Mr. Haggin appears, he asks Fraley to put Red in the kennel. Danny is horrified when Fraley grabs and twists Red’s collar. Mr. Haggin doesn’t notice and addresses Danny about the bear instead. He pays Danny a few dollars for trying to recover the bull and sends him home. Before leaving, Danny asks Mr. Haggin about Red. Mr. Haggin explains that Red is a show dog he bought for $7,000. He appreciates that Danny likes Red, but Red would be useless if he went hunting with Danny and got hurt or lost in the woods.
On his way home, Danny thinks about Red. He’s always wanted a dog of his own and Red seems like his dream dog (7). He also feels bad for Red, because he’s locked up and mistreated by Fraley. However, he can’t afford to buy the dog from Mr. Haggin.
Danny and Ross live in a small cabin at the edge of the clearing. Ross “own[s] it by squatter’s rights only” (8) but Mr. Haggin lets them live there because they’re responsible tenants. Danny continues musing on Red’s special qualities as he approaches the cabin. Their mule, pigs, and hounds hang out outside. Inside, Danny tells Ross about Red. Ross explains what a show dog is and assures Danny he’ll never get Red because he belongs to Mr. Haggin and Mr. Haggin has given them a lot already.
That night, Danny dreams about Red. Then Ross wakes him up, because Red wandered from the estate and is sitting on their porch. Danny gets up to take Red home. However, as soon as he starts walking, he finds himself wandering into the woods with Red. He convinces himself that Mr. Haggin is a bad master and considers keeping Red for himself. Danny and Red wander for hours before they encounter Old Majesty. Danny panics when the bear and dog disappear into the woods. However, Danny soon discovers that Red sent the bear up a tree. Once the bear leaves the tree, Red follows. Danny marvels at Red’s intelligence and courage but fears how Mr. Haggin will respond when he discovers his dog missing.
Danny comes upon the bear and dog. Red has Old Majesty cornered on a boulder. Eventually, Red scares the bear away. Afterwards, Danny takes Red home. Fraley and Mr. Haggin race out when they arrive. Fraley moves to hit Red, but Danny stops him. He bursts into tears, telling Mr. Haggin that Red is special and shouldn’t be beaten. Mr. Haggin admits that although Fraley is a good worker, he’s often too rough with animals. Then he invites Danny to Red’s dog show in New York. He promises to let Danny take care of Red, too. Red will still be Mr. Haggin’s dog, but he can stay at home with Danny.
Danny and Red return to the cabin. Danny senses the bear’s presence, but knows he can’t fear Old Majesty, just as he can’t fear the Wintapi. Danny is glad he has Red now, because the Wintapi can be a lonely place (25).
Inside, Danny tells Ross everything that happened. Ross can’t believe the promises Mr. Haggin made to Danny but feels proud of his son when he describes his and Red’s encounter with Old Majesty. Over dinner, Ross suggests teaching Red to hunt. Danny doesn’t know if Mr. Haggin will want his show dog chasing varmints but agrees to consider it. Afterwards, he goes to bed to get some rest before his New York trip the next day.
Danny and Red return to Mr. Haggin’s house in the morning. Danny studies his surroundings on the walk there. He greets Fraley and Mr. Haggin upon arrival and listens to Mr. Haggin’s instructions for the day. Mr. Haggin also explains why he made Danny Red’s caregiver and invited him to New York. Danny seems special, and Mr. Haggin wants to pass some of his responsibilities on to a younger person as he gets older. Danny promises to work hard and take good care of Red. He and Mr. Haggin settle on a work arrangement and wages.
Danny drives to New York with Fraley and Red. Although Fraley is rude to Danny, Danny assures him he won’t compromise his work with Red at the show. Meanwhile, Danny studies the scenes outside his window. He watches as the forests turn to cities. He is overwhelmed by New York’s many tall buildings. Before the show, Danny settles into his hotel room. He wonders what his late mother would think of the large, fancy space. He lies down on the bed and thinks about Red. He hopes he is okay, and that Fraley will be gentle.
Danny is so worried about Red that he can barely sleep. He wishes he could ask Ross for advice about Fraley, because Red never seems like himself when he is around him. Danny can’t understand why the dog would change this way.
Danny is disoriented when he wakes up. He gets himself ready and meets up with Mr. Haggin. Before and during the show, Mr. Haggin explains the rules and tells Danny about dog breeds, dog personalities, and judging classes.
Red does well in the show but doesn't seem like himself to Danny. Danny wonders if the judges would like him better if he showed his true self. However, he doesn’t know how to make Red regain his usual energy. Meanwhile, Mr. Haggin exclaims at Red’s performance and the other beautiful dogs. Since Danny is convinced that something is missing from Red, he races down to the edge of the stands so Red will see him before the judges make their decision. Suddenly, Red lights up. The judges are delighted by his spirit and award him a blue ribbon.
Danny spends three more days in New York. He sees all types of dogs and watches Red perform and win more honors. Mr. Haggin is thrilled that Red is now “an official champion” (61). He tells Danny his plans to breed Red and raise more show-winning puppies. He wants Dr. Dan MacGruder’s female dog to breed with Red but can’t yet afford her.
Mr. Haggin sends Danny and Red home on the train. Red will be in Danny’s charge from now on. Meanwhile, Mr. Haggin wants Danny to consider everything he’s experienced and learned in the past days.
Danny chats with the conductor on the long ride home. They discuss hunting, trapping, and dogs. Danny invites him to visit the cabin sometime.
Danny is glad to be home. He liked New York, but it didn’t compare to the Wintapi. He greets the hounds and animals at the cabin. Inside, he spends hours recounting his adventures to Ross. Although Ross still wants to teach Red to hunt, because Danny remains hesitant, he doesn’t take him into the woods the next day.
Danny starts teaching Red to hunt partridges. However, Red often gets distracted by squirrels and rabbits. Danny tells himself not to get discouraged, as Red is a special dog. However, Ross is skeptical of Red when he catches him digging in the ground after a woodchuck.
The opening four chapters introduce the narrative world, its main characters, and primary conflicts. Chapter 1 begins in media res, or in the middle of the protagonist Danny Pickett’s story. The narrator doesn’t offer background information about Danny’s character or life before depicting Danny in a challenging situation in the Wintapi wilderness.
The images of Danny tracking the bull and the bear in Chapter 1 establish the novel’s primary setting, Danny’s central character traits, and the tensions that define his life in the woods. Danny is familiar with the forested environment where he lives. However, this setting presents Danny with constant conflicts, questions, and challenges, all of which fuel his character’s coming-of-age journey. Danny has a positive relationship with his father and his boss. However, he doesn’t have any companions of his own. Therefore, when Danny meets and falls in love with Red, his childhood longings for friendship return. Danny’s relationships with his family, the natural world, and his new dog are central to the novel’s themes of Coming of Age and Personal Growth, the Bonds Between Human and Animals, and Respecting and Understanding Nature.
The Wintapi wilderness setting defines Danny’s understanding of belonging and of himself, reflecting the theme of Respecting and Understanding Nature. The vivid descriptions of the natural world throughout Chapters 1-4 enact Danny’s relationship with his environment. In Chapter 4, for example, Danny is glad to return to the Wintapi after his trip to New York. He learns a lot at the dog show, but these experiences rapidly fade away when “Danny [sees] Smokey Creek [again], above the bridge where it purled black against the beech roots and carved out deep little recesses in which the trout hid” (60). This passage continues for another half-page, and also describes the sunset as a painting and the mountains and valley as bright gold. Such descriptions capture the way that Danny sees his home in the woods. The novel’s third person point of view is limited to Danny’s perspective. Therefore, the way that the narrator describes the narrative world aligns with the way that Danny sees it; the environmental details the narrator includes are the details that are most important to Danny. Therefore, the setting has more than one purpose in Danny’s narrative: It both deepens Danny’s character and develops the novel’s exploration of how the individual might develop an understanding of the natural world.
Although Danny is accustomed to his life in the woods with his father, his home life augments his longing for closeness, which initiates the theme of the Bonds Between Humans and Animals. Since Danny’s mother is dead and he has no other friends or connections, when he discovers a unique bond with Red, he realizes his desire for kinship with another living being. In Chapter 1, after he meets Red for the first time, Danny remembers his childhood desire to “find a dog to shame all others, a fine dog that he could treasure, and cherish, and breed from so that all who loved fine dogs would come to see and buy his” (7). Red is this dream dog incarnate. Danny knows that he can’t afford to buy the dog from Mr. Haggin, but still doesn’t stop imagining Red in his life. The dog appears in both Danny’s waking and sleeping dreams, which illustrates Danny’s profound desire for companionship. The relationship that he develops with the dog throughout these opening chapters conveys the power and possibilities that relationships with animals can offer the individual.
Danny’s life begins to change when he becomes Red’s caretaker, an experience that will be at the heart of Danny’s Coming of Age and Personal Growth. The opportunity challenges Danny to work hard and to practice love and patience. The dog’s arrival at the Picketts’ cabin fills Danny with joy, excitement, and hope. In Chapter 2, for example, when Danny brings Red home for the first time, he realizes that the Wintapi will “never again be lonely” (25). The woods are “a hard and lonely place” (25) that isolate Danny and challenge him emotionally. Danny is Red’s new caretaker, but the dog promises to take care of and comfort Danny, too.
Danny and Red’s relationship also begets Danny and Mr. Haggin’s relationship. Their trip to New York for the dog show helps Danny to believe in himself. Since Mr. Haggin sees him as an upstanding, intelligent, and talented young man, Danny starts to see himself this way, too. Mr. Haggin gives Danny new responsibilities and encourages him to learn and grow. Therefore, Red’s entrance into Danny’s life marks the start of Danny’s personal growth and his journey from adolescence into adulthood.